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Sheffield MPs meet our staff and patients

18 December 2024

Sheffield MPs Clive Betts and Abtisam Mohamed had the chance to see for themselves the true value of end of life care as they visited our In Patient Centre.

Mr Betts, the MP for South East, and Ms Mohamed, the MP for Sheffield Central, were greeted by our Chief Executive and Chief Nurse Jo Lenton and our Medical Director and Clinical Lead for Programme Development Dr Sam Kyeremateng.

During their visit, the MPs toured the In Patient Centre and spoke with some of our team, as well patients and their visitors.

“We hope the visit helped our MPs to understand the importance of good palliative and end of life care and it gave us a chance to talk to them in detail about the funding of that care and the need across the whole hospice movement for greater support," said Jo.

“We also hope that following their visit they will feel empowered to support St Luke’s and champion palliative and end of life care for our city, both in parliamentary discussions around hospice funding and in any other ways they can in their role.”

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