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Alan says St Luke’s has helped transform his life

03 April 2023

From pilates to painting, crafts to cookery…there isn’t any activity offered by our Patient and Family Support team that Alan Hobson will say no to!

Alan, who is 61 and lives in Crookes, has been visiting our Ecclesall Road South site for a year now, making full use of the range of activities and therapies on offer.

The Patient and Family Support service provides patients with physio and occupational therapy, wellbeing and creative therapies, social work, chaplaincy and spiritual support, along with relaxation and wellbeing techniques, tips on nutrition, routine and sleep and fun activities for all interests.

And Alan says that the support of the whole St Luke’s team has had a transformative effect on his life.

Alan, who has cancer, admits that he had never even really thought about the work that St Luke’s does until it was suggested by his NHS medical team that he might benefit from their services.

“I really didn’t know what it was or what they did and even though I do go into the St Luke’s shop in Crookes, it had never dawned on me what it was all about,” he says.

“But I was eventually getting some support at home from the St Luke’s Community Nurses and they asked if I’d be interested in some of the Patient and Family Support services.

“At first I was very undecided and unsure about it all but now I go three times every week and I wouldn’t miss it because I enjoy everything on offer and will always give things a go.”

Among the activities Alan has taken part in are everything from art classes and cookery sessions to indoor curling and bowls, mindfulness, community singing and Tai Chi.

“Because of the cancer, I am living day to day but St Luke’s has been a life saver to me,” Alan says.

“Deep down, I always know the cancer is there and it isn’t going away but being at St Luke’s takes me away from it for a while and as long as they’ll have me, I’ll keep coming.

“I enjoy being here, I enjoy meeting new people, making new friends and I enjoy all the activities.

“The staff are fantastic and the volunteers are great too – it’s absolutely brilliant to be honest and I can’t get enough of it!”

To find out more about the St Luke’s Hospice Patient and Family Support services visit PAFS

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