Patient visitors, please be aware there may be some minimal disruption in the coming weeks due to building works for our new Family Suite on our In Patient Centre. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
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Patient visiting is by appointment only, please call 0114 236 9911 after 8am. Visiting hours are 10am - 8pm.

Adam and Jack take on tough Three Peaks challenge

WHEN Stephen Frith died at St Luke’s, son Adam made a promise that he would do something to express his thanks for all the support the family received.

That’s why Adam and South Yorkshire Police colleague and friend Jack Deakin are now in training for one of the north’s biggest fundraising challenges.

The 26-mile Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge takes walkers through the stunning Yorkshire scenery of the Dales National Park, starting with smallest of the peaks, Pen-y-ghent, before going on over 12 hours to tackle the peaks of Ingleborough and Whernside, climbing a final total of 1,585 metres!

Adam, who lives in Chapeltown, and Jack, who lives in Bolton upon Dearne, will be taking on the challenge in September and have set themselves a £1,000 fundraising target.

“At the end of 2015 my family’s life was flipped upside down, when, after many months of tests and investigations my dad was informed he had terminal cancer and was given the horrendous news of only having months to live,” said Adam.

“During this emotional and life changing period, both my dad and the wider family found great comfort and support from the staff and facility that St Luke’s offered.

“Not only did they make sure my dad had everything he needed, but they also ran support groups for family members in order to come to terms with the situation we were facing.

“The kindness and generosity of the St Luke’s team made my dad’s last Christmas and allowed us as a family to find peace.”

Now Adam is determined to raise as much money as possible in recognition of all the care Stephen and the family received.

“If I can give back just a percentage of the support my dad received and make sure that somebody else receives the same standard of care then it will be worth the effort,” he said.

“There’s just an extra level of care at St Luke’s that we will never forget – their attitude is absolutely impeccable.

“I know times are hard at the minute but a donation of £1 can go along way when we all pull together.”

To support Adam and Jack visit Adam

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