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Major G&S revival will raise money in memory of Judy

19 April 2022

A major revival of classic Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera Patience which comes to Sheffield this May will be raising money in memory of Yorkshire G&S performer and keen St Luke’s supporter and volunteer Judy Savournin.

Charles Court Opera, the professional company which tours productions of the G&S operettas across the UK, is directed by Judy’s son John Savournin.

He is bringing the company’s revival of Patience - the classic satire of fads and fashion - to Sheffield’s Montgomery Theatre on Sunday, May 22 at 3.30pm.

John, who recently played Captain Corcoran in HMS Pinafore for English National Opera, will lead the cast.

The show is being dedicated to Judy, who was well known as one of South Yorkshire’s most popular Gilbert and Sullivan performers, appearing for City Comic Opera Society, Woodseats Operatic Society, Opera 14, Intake Methodist Musical Society, South Yorkshire Opera and Dore Gilbert & Sullivan Society in mezzo and contralto roles.

Judy was actually in rehearsal to play Lady Jane in Dore’s version of Patience when Covid lockdowns began in 2020 and the production had to be abandoned.

She was also one of our volunteer bereavement counsellors and it is in recognition of that support that a donation from ticket sale proceeds will be made to us.

Charles Court Opera will also sponsor a seat at The Montgomery in Judy’s name.

“Lady Jane in Patience was mum’s absolute favourite role and she was so excited to be rehearsing it with Dore, though the production never had the chance to go ahead,” said John.

“Mum performed over many decades at The Monty with City Comic and Dore G&S, and it is a theatre which she had great affection for.

“It holds many happy memories for us all, so we thought this was the perfect setting in which to remember and celebrate her.”

For tickets or for further information visit Patience

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