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Supporting young people facing bereavement

07 April 2022

We are delighted to be launching a new service for young people who have been touched by terminal illness and bereavement.

Starting on April 27 and running for 10 weeks,  the Time for You project is being hosted at our Ecclesall Road South site between 4pm and 6pm every Wednesday.

The programme will come to a climax with a residential visit to the Lake District.

The sessions are being run in conjunction with Brathay, the not-for-profit wellbeing and self-development organisation with the charitable purpose of improving the life chances of thousands of young people across Yorkshire and Cumbria, and the North West in real need every year.

“Time For You is a peer support programme offering support to young people aged 10-16 years old who are coping with relatives that may be suffering with terminal illnesses, in palliative care or who may have passed away,” said our Activities Manager Jill Aeppli.

“The programme runs for 10 weeks and aims to increase the confidence and resilience of young people to support them through their bereavement journey, whilst being in a fun, creative, supportive and social environment.

To refer any young people who may benefit from the project and for more information, contact call Jill Aeppli on 0114 235 7650.

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