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Josh’s short cut raises more than £300

05 May 2020

GOING for the COVID-19 crop has helped Josh Lydon to raise more than £300 for our patient care.

Josh’s grandma Janet died at St Luke’s following her battle with cancer in 2018.

The family have always been supporters of the charity, though, attending events like the annual Festival of Light and Celebration of Life and also playing the St Luke’s Lottery.

So when 12-year-old Josh, a pupil at Handsworth Grange School, decided he’d get himself a haircut while the family is in COVID-19 lockdown, he thought the new look could also raise some cash for St Luke’s.

“St Lukes were fantastic and mum passed the way that she wanted in the place that she wanted,” said Josh’s mum Claire.

“Josh knows how close St Luke’s is to us all as he came to see mum there the night before she passed and he has attended the Festival of Light every year since he was born.

“I know mum would be very proud of Josh, as are we, for thinking of others and how he can make a difference in these very strange times no matter how big or small.

“From something  that started as a head shave with just myself and his dad donating to raising so much money is something quite amazing, and no one more than Josh is so surprised.”

Dad Nigel did the cutting, giving Josh a very close crop and then leaving the unwanted curls out on the garden for birds to take for their nests.

“It started as just a bit of a trim but then Josh told me to just shave it off!,” said Nigel.

“Josh was a bit unsure about it to start with but he’s getting used to it now and it will soon grow again.”

With the support of family and friends the haircut raised a final total of £310 and Claire is adding a further £67 raised from a collection in support of St Luke’s at her recent 40th birthday celebration.

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