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Hospitality assistant Stacey Mullee's two reasons for always having her winter flu jab

31 October 2019

OUR hospitality assistant Stacey Mullee has two very good reasons for always having a winter flu jab.

“First of all I have asthma so I always have to have a flu jab for the sake of my own health,” she explains.

“Even a common cold once led to me being in hospital and if anything gets onto my chest I’m in trouble so I hate to think what it would be like to have flu.”

The other reason Stacey insists on having the jab is so that she lessens the chances of spreading germs to both the patients with whom she comes into regular daily contact – and fellow members of staff.

“You don’t want to let the team down but at the same time you don’t want to spread germs so if you are ill you’re almost obliged not to be here,” she says.

“I’m coming into contact with patients all the time and any number of staff so I feel we have to do everything we can to make sure everybody is well.

“It’s just the same as having any other jab – your arm might feel a bit sore for a while but it’s never made me ill.

“And when you look at the bigger picture, it isn’t that much of a big deal when you think about the people we are supporting here.”

For more information on how to fight the flu this winter click here


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