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Look out Lord Sugar – the St Luke’s Biz Kids are back!

12 August 2019

WHERE do you find the next generation of business superstar? With the St Luke’s Biz Kids of course!

Biz Kids is the unique annual opportunity for city primary schools and businesses to work together in support of our patient care.

The schools are teamed up with businesses which loan £100 as a seed fund and also provide mentoring and expertise as the young Dragon’s Den stars of the next generation set about making that money grow – with the proceeds going to St Luke’s.

And with a schools’ application deadline of September 23, the search is now on to find the 2020 youngsters who will one day give Lord Sugar and Richard Branson a run for their money.

The 2019 Biz Kids competition was the most successful to date, with the 13 schools taking part raising a final total in excess of £22,000.

The school which raised the most and was named the Biz Kids Champion was St Marie’s Primary School, with a final total of £4,097.48.

Our Community Fundraising Assistant Morven Keay said: “Every year we are amazed at the ingenuity and enthusiasm shown by our young Biz Kids.

“Money making ventures have included film nights, bake sales, tuck shops, craft fairs, talent shows, discos, joke books and school magazines as well as a host of specially created products.

“Biz Kids is an amazing opportunity for schools, businesses and St Luke’s to work together.

“The challenge broadens children’s experience of enterprise, helps to develop relationships within the community and informs the children of the incredible work of St Luke’s, while at the same time raising money to help continue this work.”

To find out more about Biz Kids and how to get involved in the 2020 challenge email: Biz Kids or call 0114 235 7524.

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