Patient visitors, please be aware there may be some minimal disruption in the coming weeks due to building works for our new Family Suite on our In Patient Centre. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
For the safety of our patients, please refrain from visiting if you are experiencing cold and flu-like or vomiting symptoms.
Patient visiting is by appointment only, please call 0114 236 9911 after 8am. Visiting hours are 10am - 8pm.

Mount St Mary’s College golfers take to the greens

A GOLF Day organised by Mount St Mary’s College raised £1,500 for St Luke’s and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

The school’s Golf Classic was held at Sitwell Park Golf Club, with teams enjoying fundraising games - including attempting to get the longest drive to win a prize - and a raffle.

Students from the school’s barber shop choir also entertained guests with a special musical performance.

Our Head of Fundraising and Supporter Experience Isabelle McKay-Smith was joined by our President Lady Neill to receive a cheque at the school’s Sports Awards Evening.


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