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Sam’s wardrobe clear out is a fashion winner

01 May 2019

THERE should be plenty of space for fresh summer fashion trends in Sam Warsop’s wardrobe after she had a Lent clothing clear out in support of our patient care.

To mark the 40 days of the period leading up to Easter, the Publishing Manager at Regional Magazine Company went through her cupboards and chose 40 outfits to donate to the award winning chain of St Luke’s shops.

“It’s something I started doing a few years ago and now it’s simply become a way  of life and something that I really look forward to,” said Sam.

“It gives me a chance to have a serious look at what I have and what I need and it also gives me the chance to support one of my favourite charities.

“It’s such an easy thing to do and it’s really refreshing to be able to de-clutter your wardrobe and give to a great cause at the same time.”

Donations can be left at any of the St Luke’s shops any day during normal opening hours. To find the full list of locations visit

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