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Our running trio make their half marathon debut

13 March 2019

MEET three St Luke's runners who are leading by example as they prepare for the Asda Foundation Sheffield Half Marathon.

For instead of simply encouraging supporters to get into training for the popular April sporting event and raise money for St Luke’s Hospice, our trio of senior staff are joining the start line themselves.

Kathryn Burkitt is our St Luke’s Director of Income Generation, Dr Sam Kyeremateng is Medical Director and Clinical Lead for Programme Development and Tony Saunders is Director of Finance, Business and Assurance.

“Despite our youthful looks, between us we have worked for St Luke's for nearly 30 years so, we thought it was about time to take on this team challenge,” said Tony.

“We all feel passionate about raising money for patient care at St Luke's so we are taking on the ultimate challenge, our first half marathon.

“Every day we see first-hand the difference St Luke's makes to the lives of our patients and families.

“It costs £1,111 to run the entirety of St Luke's for just one hour and we think that the least we can do is pound the wet and windy pavements of Sheffield for a couple of hours for such a great cause – which is why we’ve set ourselves a target of £1,111.”

To support the trio’s half marathon bid simply visit Tony Kathryn and Sam

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