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Sainsbury’s cyclists launch year of fundraising

22 October 2018

THE Crystal Peaks branch of supermarket chain Sainsbury’s  has launched a year-long partnership with St Luke’s.

And getting the fundraising off to a great start, staff pedalled up almost £1,000 as they cycled more than 180 miles on a static bike in the store’s foyer.

The challenge was the first of many events being planned by the store over the coming months.

“We are so pleased that this very special partnership got off to such a great start and has already raised more than £1,400,” said our Corporate Fundraising Manager Jack Kidder.

“The Crystal Peaks branch of Sainsbury’s has a long standing relationship with St Luke’s and the money they raise during the coming months will make a massive difference to the lives of our patients and their families.”

© 2024 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.