Our Kilner Way shop is temporarily changing its opening hours due to maintenance. Find details here... CLICK HERE!
For the safety of our patients, please refrain from visiting if you are experiencing cold and flu-like or vomiting symptoms.
Patient visiting is by appointment only, please call 0114 236 9911 after 8am. Visiting hours are 10am - 8pm.

Park up with Bank Park – and support St Luke’s

16 October 2017

SUPPORTING St Luke’s? It’s as easy as parking your car!

Car parking company Bank Park provides an ethical solution to parking in Sheffield’s busy centre, giving new life to unwanted sites, re-generating buildings and encouraging new life into the city.

And as it launches a new site in Hoyle Street – on the site of the iconic listed Cementation Furnace - it is also supporting our patient care.

Bank Park was established in September 2012 and has already raised more than £120,000 for charity, with Managing Director Ashley Kelley choosing St Luke’s in recognition of the support he and his family received when his mother was a patient.

Throughout October, there is an introductory deal of a full day’s parking for just £1.50 for anybody displaying the special flyer at the company’s latest park.

From then onwards the patrolled car park at the site of the former HSBC offices – which has spaces for around 150 vehicles – will cost a maximum of just £2.50 daily.

Payment is via the pay and display machines on site or via text or online – with monthly deals available.

“This is such an effective way to support St Luke’s,” said the charity’s Corporate Fundraising manager Jack Kidder.

“Every time you park on this site you will be making a contribution direct to St Luke’s and supporting our patients and their families at a time when they need it most.”

For more information about all Bank Park sites visit www.bankpark.co.uk

© 2024 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.