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Clifford House opening week attracts almost 200 visitors

20 September 2017

CLIFFORD House, our new facility for anyone affected by an illness that has no cure, has been hailed a success following its opening week.

In just the first three days of operation at the Ecclesall Road South property, almost 200 people visited Clifford House, with around 80 per cent of those people potential clients who booked onto activities over the coming weeks.

Whatever the name – cancer, motor neurone disease, incurable heart, liver or lung conditions, AIDS, the list goes on - Clifford House is open to anyone affected by an illness that has no cure, at any stage of that journey.

There's a range of free social and practical activities to choose from, advice and information sessions or groups to be part of, along with support from others living with illness and from professionals and volunteers who can help and inform.

“We already know that next week we have 57 clients booked on to the majority of the 19 activities on offer that week,” said our Deputy Chief Executive Judith Park.

“Dancing for Health, Life Drawing and Complementary Therapies are proving particularly popular so far.”

One of the opening week visitors took to Facebook to comment: “Thank you so much for the wonderfully warm and friendly welcome.

“The house is truly a special place and you have done a fantastic job in getting it ready for opening.”

To find out more about Clifford House, its full range of activities and advice or to book a free session simply visit Clifford House

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