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St Luke’s launches the Health Hospice Social Care System (HHSCS) Hub Model Concept

23 August 2017

In 2015-16 St Luke’s introduced a new and innovative enhanced community palliative care nursing service to Sheffield, based on the Enhanced Community Palliative Care Support Services (EnComPaSS) model supported with Sensory Technologies E-Shift technology and The National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care Yorkshire and Humber (NIHR CLAHRC YH).

Using St Luke’s as a base, we’ve developed a uniquely adapted programme of internal processes around outcome measures (using the Kings College London Outcome Assessment and Complexity Collaborative (OACC) suite of measures) together with new multidisciplinary team (MDT) practices to make this an effective, efficient, joined-up and truly patient focused service in all our settings. St Luke’s has led the way in these developments, with its academic and technology partners, creating new practice and intellectual property that can be shared with other progressive providers.

Our developments have continued with the creation of the St Luke’s Community Complexity Framework and with the opening of the St Luke’s Sheffield ECHO hub (the first in England) in 2017, which together with the EnComPaSS–Outcomes-MDT model above is demonstrating real impact to our local healthcare economy (evidenced by published academic review) as well as enhancing the quality of patient care.

Together, these developments form part of a unique mixture that is helping to support the health and social care framework, with St Luke’s as a hub - and so we’re calling this the ‘HHSCS Hub Model’ (Health-Hospice-Social Care Systems Hub).

Dr Sam Kyeremateng, Medical Director and Clinical Lead for Programme Development for at St Luke’s, commented:

"The HHSCS Hub model currently being developed by St Luke’s is a truly exciting concept, and we’re delighted that all the hard work undertaken by the team here over the last three years is now coming together into this exciting project. We’ve already seen evidence of the impact, and future potential impact, of integrating these differing programmes of work, and believe that this can – in total – be truly transformational for the way that palliative care is delivered in all settings, and perhaps how it is commissioned in future. We see the HHSCS Hub model as being a template for other non-palliative services too. St Luke’s has been in the forefront of developing the application of these many strands into a coherent model and we look forward to working with partners in taking the concept forward and sharing our learning."

For more information on the HHSCS Hub model please contact Dr Sam Kyeremateng at [email protected].

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