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Yorkshire Three Peaks - FAQs

Find answers to some commonly asked questions about the challenge

Q: What time do I register on the day?

A: Registration is at 6.30am. Once registered, a kit inspection will be carried out to ensure you have adequate clothing for the weather and terrain. If you arrive after this time we will not be able to register you.

Q: How long does it take to complete the walk?

A: This varies enormously depending on the weather and your fitness level. As a guide, walking at quite a standard pace with photo breaks and a stop for a cup of tea at the summit will take about 10 -12 hours. Please note that if you haven’t departed Philpins Lane (before the final summit) by 2.30pm you will not be allowed to continue.

Please remember that we do not operate our event as a time trial or race. We ask that participants treat this walk accordingly and do not push themselves past their capabilities in order to achieve a ‘good’ time. Completing this walk at all is an achievement in itself!

Q: Will I need to walk in a group?

A: Yes, you will begin the walk in groups of 10. However, once on the mountain, and if the weather allows it, we find it much more enjoyable for people to be able to walk at their own pace in the group size they wish. You will be able to walk with qualified mountain instructors who will be on the mountain with you.

Q: Do I really need to train for this event?

A: This is a physically demanding event. Climbing the Three Peaks is no easy task, so any training you have done before the event will certainly help. The walk requires a certain level of fitness and stamina best acquired through training. See the ‘Fitness & training’ section for more details.

Q: Do I need to bring water/food with me or is it provided?

A: Food and water are not provided by the event team so it is vital that you carry with you the water and food that you will need for the duration of the walk. We will have a limited amount of water available should you need to top up.

Q: Do I need to bring all the different clothing that you recommend on the list?

A: The weather is notoriously changeable and can be severe in this area regardless of season, therefore we strongly recommend that you come prepared for all eventualities.

Q: Do I have to adhere to the essential items kit list?

A: Yes. The essential items on the kit list are there for your safety. We will not let you take part if you are missing essential equipment.

Q: Can I bring my dog/s with me on the walk?

A: We ask participants not to bring their dogs on their Mountain Challenge. This is due to the presence of local livestock on all routes.

Q: Are there toilets on the route?

A: Yes. However, they are a long way apart!

Q: What happens if I am injured or ill and need to retire from the event?

A: We have full radio communications alongside our marshals/guides that will be with the group, along with mobile first aid cover. In the event of a problem, please alert your marshal/guide and arrangements will be organised for your care or transport back to the registration point.

Q: If I am a parent / guardian accompanying a 16 or 17 year old and have to retire from the event, what will happen to them?

A: It is strict policy for this event that 16 and 17 year olds must be accompanied at all times by the parent / guardian responsible for them, therefore the young person(s) too would have to retire from the event. Unless another adult known to them was present in the group, was an experienced walker and willing to assume full responsibility for them from that point onward.

Q: What will happen if the weather has been very severe leading up to the event – will the event still take place?

A: Our mountain guide company regularly monitors the weather along the route in advance of a trek and they will advise us of any safety concerns before the event goes ahead. Any decision to cancel the event would be based on their expert advice. Should we be advised to cancel the event, all participants would be contacted by telephone immediately.

Q: What will happen if the weather becomes severe on the day?

A: As above, the specialists assisting us on the day will regularly patrol the route and assess the weather and terrain at all times. Any decision to cancel or curtail the event will come from them and will only be taken if they consider the health and safety of the participants to be at risk should the event continue.

Q: What happens upon completion of the event – do I need to sign back in?

A: Every participant must check back in at the registration point, whether you have completed the walk or retired early from the event. If you do not sign back in with us it may result in mountain rescue being called out unnecessarily.

Q: Will I need to know how to use the compass and map?

A: No, the whole route is way marked and marshalled.

Q: How steep are the hills?

A: The ascent on the summits is a steady climb on a mixture of rough and well-kept pathways with the occasional steep section.

Q: Are the pathways clearly marked?

A: Yes, the National Parks Authority has carried out a great deal of work on all the paths. However, there are some points where there is more than one path – here we have put checkpoints at the junctions to ensure you keep to the correct one.


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