Our journey
We have significantly advanced our research agenda and activity and are keen to share our experiences with other hospices and academic professionals. We can’t change the outcome of the diagnosis for our patients, but there is more we can do to improve their care and wellbeing on their journey.
Speaker topics
Dr Felicity Dewhurst is an NIHR Advanced Fellow and leads research at St Oswald’s Hospice in Newcastle. Dr Dewhurst will be presenting on how a hospice can establish and improve research culture, which is critical to effective research delivery; this will draw on recent studies undertaken by her team.
Dr Katie Frew is a consultant in Palliative Medicine in Northumbria and co-lead of the NIHR- funded RiPEN network in the Northeast which works to generate and improve palliative care research across the North of England. Her presentation will address the benefits of research to a palliative care organisation.
Dr Amy Gadoud is a Senior Lecturer in Palliative Medicine at Lancaster Medical School where she is NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Training Lead. She works with colleagues in the International Observatory on End of Life Care, Lancaster University. Her main research interest is ensuring equality in access to palliative care using a range of research methods from analysing large datasets to qualitative studies.
Prof Miriam Johnson is Professor of Palliative Medicine at Hull York Medical School and Associate Director of the Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre at the University of Hull. She will be sharing her expertise on how hospices can best engage with research, including how to work with external research teams and how to ensure and improve recruitment to studies.
Dr Sam Kyeremateng is the St Luke’s Medical Director. He will outline how he identified the need to develop research at St Luke’s, made a case for research ambitions, and then worked with the board and trustees to create a research-dedicated post.
Prof Fliss Murtagh is an NIHR Senior Investigator, Professor of Palliative Care at Hull York Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Palliative Care at the Cicely Saunders Institute, King’s College London, UK. She has worked in leadership roles in specialist clinical and academic settings. Prof Murtagh will be outlining how a hospice can take those first steps into research through designing a strategy.
Dr Paul Taylor and Clare Pye, Head of Research at St Luke’s and St Luke’s Research and Innovation Manager respectively, will be drawing on experience in establishing research at St Luke’s. They will share how the organisation identified the important areas of research governance, developed internal processes, and worked with insurers and stakeholders to ensure that all research at St Luke’s is ethical, legal and safe.